Monday, March 13, 2006

3 Gee....sheesh

Got my first 3G phone the other day. Funny thing is, I was pretty excited before the phone came about. Reading about all the cool features that 3G technology can provide and connectivity and all. But somehow, after getting the phone and having it in my hand. It's hard to discern the technology from the existing 2G or 2.5G phone that I had. It was not so exciting after all...... :(

Except for 2 things though.

The so called video phone feature and the so-called "Live" TV viewing feature. The Live TV is line provider exclusive content. Say if your phone company which you subscribe to does not have TV Mobile, then it's just as much content and use as a feature that you have but cannot really capitalise on!!!

It's like buying a house with the most advance broadband infrastructure built in, but in a land with no internet access like in the Sahara desert!!!

And finally the video phone!! It's a damm cool feature as I have tried it with the Gazelle! It's really cool and it's streaming is smooth and in real time!!! This is so futuristic!!! Like something you once see in the movies but now it's being realised!!!

And I am holding this magnificent device in my hand!!! Video calling! WOW!!

But then a brick fell on me head, and I's only me and the Gazelle have the video calling phone.

Sheeesh....go on all of you! Get yourself a 3G phone so that we can all do video calling!!! or not!

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