Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Birth of Vader!!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...........................................*****pisssssssssssssh!!!***

At last I am re-born!! Look at me with awe!! Fear my fearsome black armor!! MUAHAHAHA...eh, wait a minit, I am stuck! and and, I am ...WTF!!!? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FINGERS??

Guards! Guards! HELP!! I AM STUCK I AM STUCK! FUCK who made me a goddarn Lego!!

I asked for the latest model I didn't ask to be a stupid lego!!!

Oily-Wand you are going to pay for throwing me to the pits!!!
Yes Lord Vajer, you called? WAHAHAH...oops! Sorry mi'lord...errr, what they heck did they do to you??? Cant you use the force to somehow, you know alter your molecule or something to make you back to become the big old nasty that you are?......come to think of it, you do look kinda cute short and stunted!!!
To be continued......

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