Friday, May 05, 2006

April Showers!

Someone asked me why I like the rain so much. Well, here's my top ten 10 reasons why I like it so!!

Ten reasons why I like April showers :-

10) It allows Big Foot in Johor to leave footprints so that I can get my daily Big Foot fodder on the newspaper!! (Otherwise news in Singapore is damm boring....)

9) It reminds me of Autumn in Melbourne 2001 and it brings much relief from the heat... :)

8) It gives me a reason not to have me car washed so often!! (lazy la - HA!)

7) It gives the lot of people an excuse to be late for work in the morning! (if it rains in the morning that is, not that it applies to me of course!)

6) It gives me a reason to not play tennis (HA HA HA HA - which I really should be playing actually!!)

5) It's nice to drive at night when the streets are wet and the city lights are reflected off the wet road...especially now with my DLO!

4) It gives people the reason to have longer lunches than usual ( Eating halfway - Damm! rain! oh well, coffee?....)

3) It drives away the haze! Brings back the fresh clean air!

2) It gives couples a chance to cuddle in public under a brolly!!

1) It's nice to sleep at night when the air is cool and the bed is cozy.......Yeah! ;)

There you go, top ten reasons why I like April showers so much!

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