Thursday, May 04, 2006

Life is....

Life is pretty farked up sometimes, one man's demise is another man's gain. Is this how the world, the universe does its checks and balances?? Or perhaps we have not yet see the point to the way things are meant to be as yet? Or maybe there is no point in a pointless debate.

Perhaps that is the reason. Perhaps what we have, the so-called free will is but an illusion and at the end of the day we are part of a larger weave. We are but a thread on a weave of life.

Perhaps that is the point? Are we anything but pawns in life's game of chess? Perhaps because the beginning and the end are the same except for the victor. But what would it mean for the victor in a game of chess, which is nothing but loneliness in a land with nothing more to conquer?

How so then the scale balances itself? At the end of the road, we know what awaits I guess so in the meanwhile perhaps its wrong for us to assume that life will balance itself out, perhaps it is more prudent for us to balance OURSELVES out first.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

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