Saturday, September 03, 2005

Fear and Loss

What do we fear? Why do we fear? Some fear the dark, some fear the unknown and some are afraid of heights, closed spaces and so on and so forth. These to me are lesser fears. But inherently, what we fear most is of loss. As we start out in life, we have our family with us and we have all to look forward to as we progress through the trials and tribulations called Life.

We work hard to gain what we wanted and worked doubly hard to keep what we gained. But loss is inevitable. As we age, we will lose the people we love, either through to age or through sickness. Loss is inevitable and loss is painful.

The reason why loss is painful is because of love. It is because we loved. If one had never loved, one will not know loss and what more, fear it. But do we want to live without Love? To me, the answer is a clear no.

What is more important is that we should embrace loss instead of fear it, as it is after all apart of our life. This is what I have learned. Remember the dearly departed always and never forget how they have touched your life.

After having worked many years in Singapore, I have not had the privilege of being with my family all the time and in the course of my stay here I have lost 3 very dear persons in my life. My grandparents. Through their departure, they thought me how to cherish the people who come across our path and touched our life.

What I have ultimately learn is that, the people that we love, although we have the fear of losing them one day, is never far away from us even though they may leave us. All we need to do is to find a silent space of our own, close our eyes and look deep within our hearts and we will see them and have them bless our life again with all the memories that they have blessed us with.

Always remember them and they will forever be with us....always.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow... a great entry!