Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Wounded Gazelle

Last Saturday me and Fatness decided to test drive the Astra Turbo and take it out for some zoom-zoom! Ate our lunches, downed our tehs and kopis and off we go heading towards the show room for the zoom zoom!! But that was not to be coz Fatness forgot his licence and we need to take a little detour back to his bat cave to retrieve said licence.

Fatness moved with his usual swiftness, jumped out of the car and poof off he goes bouncing like a gazelle in the african plains to his apartment to get the danged licence.

5 mins passed and me was tweedling my thumbs in the car. Where was the swift bouncing gazelle that sped off so quickly awhile ago. Hmmm....It shouldn't take so long to complete the detour task.

Then I saw Fatness's roommate charging towards me in the car to relay the news that the bouncing gazelle had a little accident. It seems the light footed Fatness of a gazelle (contradictory no??) had bounced a little to high and knocked his poor head on the low ceiling ledge...and his kepala pecah (head broke)!!!! His head was attacked by the ceiling and it broke!!

I saw Fatness, like a poor gazelle kena maimed by the lions, lying helplessly on the stairs of his apartment with blood spurting out from his horrendous wound. It was a CSI moment for me as I study the blood spatter pattern on the floor and the walls and his wound to determine where exactly and how did the Fatness came to be in his condition.

After determining that he can be safely moved I got a few towels, gave it to him to cover his wound and to soak the blood and marched him to the car to take him the hospital!

I managed to zoom zoom alright that day but not in the Astra Turbo, but by sending the wounded Fatness Gazelle to the hospital to have him stitched up. In the end, the doctor determined that the wound is not that serious and all it needed was 5 stitches thats all.

The real problem was the dressing. The orderly looked at me while holding the dressing and asked "How to wrap his head ha??" I said, just make like Ninja it wont come out...or wrap like mummy also can!

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