Tuesday, October 11, 2005

You and I

Have you ever stared at the mirror and wondered who that person staring back at you really is? Have you ever wondered if there were no mirrors in the world, would you be able to "see" or tell how you really look like or recognise yourself if you happen to chance upon one?

When you stare at the mirror, the person staring back at you is actually, you. And this is the face that you carry around and this is the same face that you use to express your emotions. This is also the face that people either love or hate.

However, when we look at the world through our very own eyes, we see everyone else but ourselves. Why is this so? Why cant we see ourselves and find out who we really are without mirrors?

You and I, the person in the mirror, are basically the same.

Regardless of race, culture, religion, ideology, we are the same. We walk around this Earth with our self indulgent needs and wants stepping on the small people, licking the balls of the big people but at the end of the day, look at ourself in the mirror, are we happy?

What is our true reflection? Is it the person we see in the mirror everyday when we wake up?

Do you like who you see? Are you happy with what you see?

Our true reflection is through the faces of others as seen through our eyes towards our action and deeds. Hate or love, they will show us how they feel.

Your true happiness is shown the moment you look at yourself in the mirror. If you are or not, you will know and your face will tell you, as all the deeds that you do, will show on your face.

The face that you carry around for others to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man...you are getting better and better and better! just wanted to let you know I actually really enjoy reading your posts! they are fun, but with a certain serious twist - all wrapped up in that delicious healthy dosis of sarcasm. Just the way I like it lah. Would I have still been in Singapore surely we would have created many stories for you to write about....

greetings from your friends in argentina!

and eh...keep writing!